
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Improving the performance of reversehuffman.encrypt, Part I

The Reverse Huffman encryption and decryption routines are the most expensive operations within the add-on. One of my beta testers reports that it took him 108 seconds to encrypt 116 words (of Lorem Ipsum) on his computer. Let's bring that down.

I created this script for profiling use:

 var fs = require("fs");  
 var rh = require("./reversehuffman");  
 var textutils = require("./textutils");  
 let source = fs.readFileSync("../doc/independence.txt", {encoding: "utf-8", flag: "r"});  
 let ft = textutils.frequencyTable(4, source);  
 for(let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {  
      rh.encrypt("this is some plain text", ft);  

Running my initial implementation through the profiler, I get the following report (report cropped):

Statistical profiling result from /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/v8.log, (77854 ticks, 0 unaccounted, 0 excluded).

 [Shared libraries]:
   ticks  total  nonlib   name
  31451   40.4%    0.0%  /usr/lib/
     36    0.0%    0.0%  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
     16    0.0%    0.0%  7fff2d9fe000-7fff2da00000
      3    0.0%    0.0%  /usr/bin/nodejs
      1    0.0%    0.0%  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
      1    0.0%    0.0%  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

   ticks  total  nonlib   name
  21179   27.2%   45.7%  LazyCompile: encrypt /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/reversehuffman.js:60
   8920   11.5%   19.2%  LazyCompile: *indexOf native string.js:118
   5013    6.4%   10.8%  Stub: KeyedLoadElementStub
   3718    4.8%    8.0%  Stub: CEntryStub
    395    0.5%    0.9%  KeyedLoadIC: args_count: 0
    177    0.2%    0.4%  LazyCompile: huffmantree /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/textutils.js:219
    128    0.2%    0.3%  Stub: FastNewClosureStub
     85    0.1%    0.2%  LazyCompile: *sort native array.js:741
     79    0.1%    0.2%  LazyCompile: *slice native string.js:510
     78    0.1%    0.2%  LazyCompile: *InsertionSort native array.js:764
     60    0.1%    0.1%  Builtin: A builtin from the snapshot
     58    0.1%    0.1%  Stub: FastCloneShallowObjectStub
     54    0.1%    0.1%  LazyCompile: *self.push /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/priority_queue.js:129
     52    0.1%    0.1%  LazyCompile: *QuickSort native array.js:793
     51    0.1%    0.1%  LazyCompile: huffmanencodetoken /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/textutils.js:179

Within the table, the 'ticks' represents the number of times the sampling profiler detected that the code was within that function. Overall, the baseline test takes 1 minute, 21.828 seconds of user time.

(By impact, I should focus on encrypt first,  but I'll go after indexOf first because the costs to improve are much smaller.)

A surprising amount of time is spent in indexOf, within the encryption algorithm, we are scanning the key value and extracting strings that start with a prefix. Mozilla provides a String.startsWith function, but it is implemented in terms of computing indexOf and comparing against zero.

As an alternative, I implement a beginsWith alternate function:

 if (!String.prototype.beginsWith) {  
   Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'beginsWith', {  
     enumerable: false,  
     configurable: false,  
     writable: false,  
     value: function (prefix) {  
       "use strict";  
       if(this.length < prefix.length) {  
         return false;  
       } else {  
         for(let i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) {  
           if(this.charAt(i) != prefix.charAt(i)) {  
             return false;  
         return true;  

Re-running the tests, I get:

ImplementationUser Time
(Baseline) String.indexOf(...) === 0   1m21.828s

That shows a nice gross improvement, but what do the more detailed results say?

Statistical profiling result from /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/v8.log, (65316 ticks, 0 unaccounted, 0 excluded).

 [Shared libraries]:
   ticks  total  nonlib   name
   2253    3.4%    0.0%  /usr/lib/
    524    0.8%    0.0%  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
     57    0.1%    0.0%  7ffff93fe000-7ffff9400000
      2    0.0%    0.0%  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
      1    0.0%    0.0%  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

   ticks  total  nonlib   name
  28448   43.6%   45.5%  LazyCompile: Object.defineProperty.value /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/reversehuffman.js:22
  18774   28.7%   30.0%  LazyCompile: encrypt /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/reversehuffman.js:81
   4278    6.5%    6.8%  Stub: KeyedLoadElementStub
   3993    6.1%    6.4%  Stub: FastNewBlockContextStub
   3549    5.4%    5.7%  Stub: CompareICStub {1}
    774    1.2%    1.2%  Stub: CompareICStub {2}
    398    0.6%    0.6%  Stub: ToBooleanStub_Bool
    390    0.6%    0.6%  KeyedLoadIC: args_count: 0
    142    0.2%    0.2%  LazyCompile: huffmantree /home/starr/svn/plainsight-addon/lib/textutils.js:219
    137    0.2%    0.2%  Stub: FastNewClosureStub
     93    0.1%    0.1%  LazyCompile: *InsertionSort native array.js:764
     90    0.1%    0.1%  LazyCompile: *sort native array.js:741
     82    0.1%    0.1%  LazyCompile: *slice native string.js:510

The Object.defineProperty.value refers to the new beginsWith code. Why is that so expensive? To see if it is a one-time expense versus a high overhead, I incremented the iterations from 1000 to 10000 in my profiling script and re-ran. That run took 11m43.463s of user time (703.463 seconds), which is almost exactly ten times the previous amount of time. The detailed profiler results showed the same -- the number of ticks is scaling with the number of iterations, so it is not a setup expense.

Furthermore, making the function stand-alone is not helpful (although it does make the detailed results easier to understand since the actual function being executed isn't hiding behind Object.defineProperty.value):

ImplementationUser Time
(Baseline) String.indexOf(...) === 0   1m21.828s
beginsWith(str, prefix)1m11.457s

So, at this point, we've made a slight improvement in performance but we need to now work on the main algorithm rather than improving a subsidiary function.

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