
Sunday, May 11, 2014

OCaml - Return lines of text from file as list

I've started some challenges on HackerRank and, after completing several challenges using Python, decided to try them using OCaml, a functional language. I found the documentation around I/O to be a bit obtuse, so I'm sharing some sample code to facilitate completing the challenges. This code reads all lines from a channel and returns them as a list in OCaml:

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ ->
      try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None);;

let list_of_stream stream =
  let result = ref [] in
  Stream.iter (fun value -> result := value :: !result) stream;
  List.rev !result ;;

As an example, this line calls print_string on every element read from stdin:

List.iter print_string (list_of_stream (line_stream_of_channel stdin)) ;;

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